Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Round-Up Gang

My boy's story didn't end with his actual birthday. With his sisters birthday less than 2 weeks later, we celebrated them together with a cowboy adventure, complete with a trip to the farm. Like I told you before, my guy loves Toy Story right now, so when I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted, he quickly told me he'd like "a Woody party." This response, though I should have expected it, was much to my dismay. I had fantastic Curious George party plans in the works, not to mention a monkey dress and birthday hat for my other little sweetie-pie, a gift we've had since she came home from the hospital. In a moment of mommy weakness in hopes of swaying him my way, I asked him, "If you have a Woody party, what kind of party will your sister have?" "A Jessie party," he answered, can you believe it, how can I deny such a sweet big brother his dream party now. Well obviously I couldn't, Woody Party it was, and of course Jessie too. Here is a picture of the cakes I make them, a big one for my big 3 year old boy, and a little individual jessie hat for the big 1st birthday girl. I modeled my cake after a combo of cakes I found when I googled 'Toy Story cakes'. Both cakes are entirely edible, but if my baby girl could talk I think she'd tell you other wise.