Wednesday, April 6, 2011

CARDINAL DESIGNS: Scratch Built Palisades Muppet Theatre Playset

Lance is amazing, I wonder that he would do with a cake? Check out his sculptures, and Sets. Inspiring!

CARDINAL DESIGNS: Scratch Built Palisades Muppet Theatre Playset: "My custom scratch built Muppet Theatre Playset The day has finally come! I have finished my scratch built Muppet Theatre Playset. I can..."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Round-Up Gang

My boy's story didn't end with his actual birthday. With his sisters birthday less than 2 weeks later, we celebrated them together with a cowboy adventure, complete with a trip to the farm. Like I told you before, my guy loves Toy Story right now, so when I asked him what kind of birthday party he wanted, he quickly told me he'd like "a Woody party." This response, though I should have expected it, was much to my dismay. I had fantastic Curious George party plans in the works, not to mention a monkey dress and birthday hat for my other little sweetie-pie, a gift we've had since she came home from the hospital. In a moment of mommy weakness in hopes of swaying him my way, I asked him, "If you have a Woody party, what kind of party will your sister have?" "A Jessie party," he answered, can you believe it, how can I deny such a sweet big brother his dream party now. Well obviously I couldn't, Woody Party it was, and of course Jessie too. Here is a picture of the cakes I make them, a big one for my big 3 year old boy, and a little individual jessie hat for the big 1st birthday girl. I modeled my cake after a combo of cakes I found when I googled 'Toy Story cakes'. Both cakes are entirely edible, but if my baby girl could talk I think she'd tell you other wise.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Boy's Story 3

Okay, so I am not the most diligent blogger, yet. I just read that if you just keep at it you'll get the hang of it and your blog will evolve (like everything I suppose). So I have a few post coming. Tonight I want to share my son's 3rd birthday cakes and cupcakes. We are all about Toy Story, Buzz and Woody in particular right now, so we did cupcakes for school, half with pizza planet aliens and half with sheriff's badges, and for that night a quickie rocket ship for my little space cowboy.
Next our Woody Party cake for 2.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy H-owl-oween

I almost subjected my beautiful arm flappin' cutie to her big brothers old cow costume, till daddy spoke for her using the 'voice' and the 'face', I'm sure you all have your versions in your house. While I fought off my mother's voice telling me that 'she will never know' and 'doesn't even care', I just finished a last minute bird costume -complete with feet- for my little Sweetie Pie-la. I will admit she's getting the felt and hot glue dregs of my imagination today but I think it turned out Owl-fully cute. She better flap those little arms of her's, that's all I've got to say.

I wish I was this ambitious- check out this handmade costume, it is absolutely gorgeous, Early Bird Special: Crafting a Costume, she used Martha's wing pattern, and why wouldn't she Martha is the best: I have to say though, I usually just "wing" it, hehe. Happy 1st Halloween to any newbies out there.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Sights of San Francisco

If you know me or if you don't, you probably don't really know what I do. I am a stagehand. What is a stagehand? I have heard that one before, that is for sure. We make things - out of next to nothing, and a little tape, we build, we install, we craft, we create. We make the fun you have happen. The sights of San Francisco here are a little ambiance I created- with my aunt, a wonderful artist herself, for the SF Jamboree.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vote for me @ WEtv

I hope you liked the cake pictures I posted. Anyone have ideas for designs you'd like to see in the future, let me know? In the mean time vote for me-- go to:
My cakes are titled, Train Cake (I know real original) and SF Zoo Cake (should be up Thursday, they have to approve them)
Thanks for your support.
I promise I will make other crafts soon, I am sticking with cake posts for starters here so just bear with me.
Thanks my friends.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cake Anyone?

Lets talk cake. Love it!! I come from a family of cooks and bakers. My mom and grandma make everything from scratch and I would never think of doing it any other way, and when I saw those cake shows I thought "I can make that!" and I did. These are a few of my favorites. Want one?